Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Apr 10, News Article


I read a pretty short article about how a family of four moved from their 3-bedroom home which was 1,500-sq. ft, to a 168-sq. ft shed-like home. Because of the recession, they lost their family business and were forced to make a drastic decision. Although they did downsize by a lot, they're making huge savings. Since such little insulated space, they're electric bill is only $40 a month. Their "Tiny House" is all apart of their big plan to build a mortgage-free home. I liked this article because I think it's a pretty good idea to live in such a tiny space in the meantime, but then save up to buy a more normal sized home. I think it's smart thinking of them to do what they did. They had to think fast if they wanted to still provide for their kids.

1 comment:

  1. Good post. I saw pictures of the small home. I personally wold have trouble fitting a family of 4 in such a small living space. However, I admire the family for working towards self-sufficiency.
