Thursday, March 15, 2012

March 15, News Article Jack Froese died in June 2011 of a heart arrhythmia, some close friends and family members received their own personal messages from him. It was about five months after Froese passed away, and one of his closest friends, Tim Hart, got spooked white when he checked his email. Froese sent him a message saying: "I'm Watching. Did you hear me? I'm at your house. Clean your f***ing attic!! Froese's cousin also received a message warning about his ankle injury that occurred after he died. They don't know whether to believe that it was actually him, or just someone playing a sick joke on them. Either way, the message gave them closure and they want to believe that it was really him.  I don't know whether or not the messages were real, but I'd like to think they are. If I received some of those messages, I think it would help me out a lot if I was having a really hard time dealing with the death.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting article. Although I would be intrigued by the emails, I would probably be disturbed about the also. I am glad that the family was able to gain closure from the experience. In the end, that's what matters.
